Washington State University Riverpoint Campus Master Plan
Spokane, Washington
2009 Mayor's Choice Award, City of Spokane Mayor's Urban Design Awards
Washington State University’s Riverpoint Campus in Spokane is part of the city’s University District, located near the heart of downtown along the Spokane River. The campus houses programs from Washington State University, Eastern Washington University, and Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute, with Gonzaga University a neighbor right across the water.
The University District was created to accommodate WSU’s growing presence in Spokane and has opened doors both to public and private investment in a previously underutilized industrial area. Within this incredible hub of higher education and urban amenities, NAC’s master plan recognizes the potential for Riverpoint Campus to become a worldclass comprehensive academic institution and vibrant live/learn sustainable environment.
While addressing aggressive growth, the master plan directs development toward a pedestrian and bike-oriented campus with a central plaza and hierarchy of open space introducing a network of connections between buildings. The plan seamlessly integrates with Spokane’s urban fabric to invite an energizing mix of academic and city activities. An emphasis on health science programs further supports Spokane as a regional healthcare center. Facilities for teaching, practicing, and research combined with direct links to adjacent hospitals will propel WSU’s vision to become a leader in medical innovation nationwide.
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